Key To Syntax
Explains the Syntax of the KM entries.
Within each cell of the KM matrix, the following two options for defining terms can be used
<definition> ::= <text> [<reference>] {<REL>: <target>}
<text> is used to provide the definition for a term (plain text); we would like to encourage you to use hyperlinks (within the text) to other terms defined in the KM in order to increase the usability and utility of the KM.
[<reference>]: mandatory; at least one reference needs to be provided; e.g. [PO-JRA-1.3.1]; <references> are either WP deliverables (identifier) or articles/papers/books/online resources. In the latter case contributors should provide the full citation (and ideally a link to the full text / abstract; e.g. IEEE DL, ACM, ...).
- For deliverables use the deliverable identifier within []
- For papers, use the following reference style:
- Single author: [Name, Year]
- Two authors: [Name1 & Name 2, Year]
- More than two: [Name1 et al., Year]
- For other sources / standards / web-sites, use the name/acronym of
the standard / website
{<REL>: <target>,<target>,...}: optional; relationship to other term(s):
<target> can be either text strings stating related terms (typically used in the case of acronyms or abbreviations), or links to "alternative" definitions (i.e., other pages in the KM)
Allowed relationship types (<REL>) are:
REL Meaning SYN
synonym (including abbreviations and acronyms)
more general term (in a taxonomy term)
more specific term (please note that for the current "implementation" of the KM, if
you create a SPC link, ideally you should also create a GEN link form the linked item;
and vice versa)
Cross-reference (generic / catch-all); Please use it wisely. If you uncover special types
of relations which appear in many of your definitions, please let us know such that we
can introduce a new relationsh
<definition> ::= __SIM__ <issue> : <layer>
- If the definition to be provided for a cell is identical to the
definition in another cell, __SIM__ can be used to refer to this
definition, thereby eliminating the need to copy the <text> (and
thus avoiding redundant text in the tables); e.g: __SIM__KM-BPM :
- The __SIM__ option should be used to specify that a definition is common to several disciplines. If you want to define that the definition is a generic definition defined by one discipline, please put a single definition in the respective "Generic" cell.