Workshop on "European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges"

In conjunction with the 34th International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE)
Zurich, Switzerland -- June 5, 2012
The rapid evolution of software technology has brought monumental changes to virtually every market sector and has created enormous opportunities for innovation. One such opportunity is developing innovative systems through the composition of software services available over the Internet. Those services have the power to provide utility to users in a much more dynamic and flexible way than is possible with traditional software technology. However, service-oriented systems and their corresponding software services require fundamental changes to the way software is developed, deployed and maintained. Software that constitutes a service-oriented system is no longer owned by on single organization but is distributed and shared amongst many organizations. This distributed ownership opens up a whole range of research challenges, including the design, evolution, adaptation and quality assurance of service-oriented systems.
This workshop will outline and demonstrate results of fundamental research carried out within S-Cube, the European Network of Excellence on Software Services and Systems. S-Cube brings together 33 research organizations across Europe from disciplines extending beyond traditional realms of software engineering, including cloud computing, business process management and service-oriented computing.
The workshop will also serve as a springboard to discuss software engineering research challenges for future service-oriented systems. Future software technology and methods will need to cope with trends such as the convergence of the Internet of Things and services; novel life-cycle models where the boundary between design and runtime will increasingly blur; online quality prediction and proactive adaptation; as well as novel architectural styles for large-scale, long-living service-oriented systems.
You can download the CfPart here.
The proceedings of the S-Cube Workshop are available as part of the ICSE 2012 proceedings (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12018-ART; ISBN: 978-1-4673-1067-3) from
Final Programme
The workshop will showcase research outcomes on software services and systems research, as well as provide an outlook and discussion of future research challenges on software services and systems.
Welcome and Keynote
- Opening of the Workshop - Workshop organizers
- Keynote - "Software and Services
Research – What's coming up?", Arian Zwegers -
(Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and
Technology / DG CONNECT, European Commission)
Service life-cycle and software engineering (Chair: Elisabetta di Nitto)
- Research Summaries
- Modeling to Support Communication and Engineering of Service-Oriented Software - Maryam Razavian, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Qing Gu, and Patricia Lago - (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- SOLÚBTHA: A Flexible Business Transaction Model - Rafiqul Haque and Ita Richardson - (Lero, Ireland; University of Limerick, Ireland)
- Research Challenges on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications - Elisabetta Di Nitto, Dominik Meiländer, Sergei Gorlatch, Andreas Metzger, Harald Psaier, Schahram Dustdar, Maryam Razavian, Damian Andrew Tamburri, and Patricia Lago - (Politecnico di Milano, Italy; University of Münster, Germany; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; Vienna University of Technology, Austria; VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Discussion (continue over coffee)
Service technology foundations (Chair: Manuel Carro)
- Research Summaries
- Process Instance Migration: Flexible Execution of Distributed Business Processes - Kristof Hamann, Sonja Zaplata, and Winfried Lamersdorf - (University of Hamburg, Germany)
- Causes Based Problems in Business Process Compliance Based Management - Francois Hantry Hantry and Mohand-Said Hacid Hacid - (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
- A Holistic Service Provisioning Solution for Federated Cloud Infrastructures - Attila Kertesz, Gabor Kecskemeti, Zsolt Nemeth, Marc Oriol Hilari, and Xavier Franch - (MTA SZTAKI, Hungary; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
- Research Challenges on Service Technology Foundations - Dimka Karastoyanova, Zsolt Nemeth, Manuel Carro, Dragan Ivanovic, Cesare Pautasso, Claudia Di Napoli, and Maurizio Giordano - (University of Stuttgart, Germany; MTA SZTAKI, Hungary; TU Madrid, Spain; IMDEA Software Institute, Spain; University of Lugano, Switzerland; CNR, Italy)
- Discussion
Towards Service Case Studies:
- A report from the PESOS special session - Pierluigi Plebani (Politecnico di Milano)
Multi-layer and mixed-initiative monitoring and adaptation (Chair: Annapaola Marconi)
- Research Summaries
- Cost-Based Prevention of Violations of Service Level Agreements in Composed Services Using Self-Adaptation - Philipp Leitner, Branimir Wetzstein, Schahram Dustdar, and Frank Leymann - (Vienna University of Technology, Austria; University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- Adaptivity in Dynamic Service-Based Systems - Antonio Bucchiarone, Raman Kazhamiakin, Annapaola Marconi, and Marco Pistore - (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
- Chemical Programming for Adaptation in Service-Based Applications - Claudia Di Napoli and Maurizio Giordano - (ICIB-CNR, Italy)
- A models@runtime Framework for Designing and Managing Service-Based Applications - Erwan Daubert, François Fouquet, Olivier Barais, Gregory Nain, Gerson Sunye, Brice Morin, Jean-Marc Jezequel, and Jean-Louis Pazat - (INRIA, France; IRISA, France; University of Rennes 1, France; SINTEF, Norway)
- Research Challenges on Multi-layer and Mixed-Initiative Monitoring and Adaptation for Service-Oriented Systems - Annapaola Marconi, Antonio Bucchiarone, Konstantinos Bratanis, Antonio Brogi, Javier Cámara Moreno, Dimitris Dranidis, Holger Giese, Raman Kazhamiakin, Rogerio De Lemos, Clarissa Cassales Marquezan, and Andreas Metzger - (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; University of Pisa, Italy; University of Coimbra, Portugal; SEERC, Greece; HPI, Germany; SAYservice, Italy; University of Kent, UK; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Discussion
Online service quality prediction for proactive adaptation (Chair: Andreas Metzger)
- Research Summaries
- Analyzing Service-Oriented Systems Using Its Data and Structure - Manuel Carro, Dragan Ivanovic, and Manuel Hermenegildo - (TU Madrid, Spain; IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
- Verification and Testing at Run-Time for Online Quality Prediction - Andreas Metzger, Eric Schmieders, Osama Sammodi, and Klaus Pohl - (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Research Challenges on Online Service Quality Prediction for Proactive Adaptation - Andreas Metzger, Chi-Hung Chi, Yagil Engel, and Annapaola Marconi - (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; Tsinghua University, China; IBM Research, Israel; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
- Discussion
- Andreas Metzger (Paluno, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Klaus Pohl (Paluno, U Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
- Mike Papazoglou (ERISS, U Tilburg, The Netherlands)
The workshop is organized with kind support from S-Cube, the European Network of Excellence on Software Services and Systems.
Program Comittee
- Sudhir Agarwal, KIT, DE
- Marco Aiello, U Groningen, NL
- Dimitris Dranidis, SEERC, GR
- Xavier Franch, UP Catalunya, ES
- Sergei Gorlatch, U Münster, DE
- Paola Inverardi, U L'Aquila, IT
- Freddy Lecue, IBM Research, IE
- Philippe Massonet, CETIC, BE
- Cesare Pautasso, U Lugano, IT
- Antonio Ruiz, U Sevilla, ES