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CD-IA-3.2.2 Results of the First Validation

by Osama Sammodi last modified May 17, 2010 14:58
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In this deliverable we present the vision and strategy of the workpackage WP-IA-3.2. This strategy foresees a rigorous method to validate the Integrated Research Framework (IRF). This validation is split into two aspects: an internal verification and an external validation. Given the fact that this is the first validation round, this deliverable concentrates on the internal verification. Therefore, the objectives of the workpackage specified in the description of work are broken down into goals, which are operationalized as questions. Each question is further refined as metrics, which is used to query the IRF database. Based on these quantitative data, we derive a set of recommendations for future work on the IRF and in the S-Cube project.

CD-IA-3.2.2_Result of the first Validation.pdf — PDF document, 406Kb

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