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[Related] NEXOF - Call for PoCs and Software Artefacts

by Yvonne Oberhößel last modified Aug 02, 2010 10:23

Join us and many other colleagues in the world in building the NESSI Open Service Framework Reference Architecture! We have just opened a new call which will allow you to contribute to NEXOF-RA during 2010 and beyond...

NEXOF-RA, the NESSI flagship Strategic Project within the EU Seventh Framework Programme, has been building an Open Reference Architecture for service frameworks through a collaborative open process with contributors from all over the world.
We invite you to join with leading actors from both industry and academia, and contribute to this important community effort. In doing so, you will influence and build the service architecture of the future and give visibility to the results of your research and development.

We seek contribution at this time on Proof of Concepts for validating the defined architecture and for supporting other projects on adopting and taking advantage of NEXOF-RA results. You can send us:

 - Software Artifacts proposals: According to the existing patterns, suggestions are welcomed about which software could be used for implementing the proposed patterns.

 - Proof of Concept ideas: It is necessary to propose scenarios, metrics and measurements for evaluating correctly whether all the requirements and statements made in the patterns are correct, in order to validate as many patterns as possible in collaboration with other projects.

- Architecture Evaluation: Some projects will apply their own architecture for building their software artifacts. NEXOF-RA looks for joint actions in which we will look for the way to map the proposed architecture with NEXOF-RA patterns and to support external projects in the assessment of their architecture.

You only need to register, fill in the template with your ideas and submit it through our website or through email to We will contact you in order to guide you in the process, until you can submit your results (using our templates).

For further information, please refer to the attached document or visit our website:



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