Engineering Principles, Techniques and Methodologies for Hybrid, Service-based Applications (WP-JRA-1.1)
S-Cube produced an integrated, coherent and comprehensive set of principles, techniques and methods for engineering service-based applications. Specifically and other than previous work, those results considered human-computer-interaction issues and the context of service-based applications. In more detail
- S-Cube developed a coherent life cycle for adaptable and evolvable service-based applications. This life-cycle was the first to fully incorporate adaptation (and specifically design-for-adaptation activities) into the system life-cycle and to incorporate guidelines for considering HCI and context aspects during design.
- S-Cube defined best practices to facilitate the migration of legacy systems to service-based applications.
Further Information
- A list of deliverables of this workpackage can be found here.
- A list of S-Cube publications can be accessed here.
This workpackage (WP-JRA-1.1) was coordinated by Politecnico di Milano.