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Alignment with European Industry Practices (WP-IA-2.2)

by Daniel Dubois last modified Sep 16, 2009 10:54


S-Cube will focus on the pooling, coordination and consolidation of research activities across Europe. Based on industry requirements, innovation targets would be set out and corresponding research programmes and projects implemented to bring together the highest level of scientific excellence and the necessary industrial capacities for rapid exploitation of research results. For this purpose, a better scientific excellence mapping across Europe would be undertaken and companies will be encouraged to find suitable research and innovation partners within the network. The particular objectives are:

  • To support competitiveness and profitability improvement of European industry by fostering links between S-Cube and innovative European large companies and SMEs to form long-term and productive collaborations.
  • To identify alignment needs with industry, covering different application sectors, such as Telco-, e-Heath, e-Environment and manufacturing. This objective aims at analysing the  industrial relevance of S-Cube and at gathering new needs when they arise.
  • To collect industrial best practices and guidelines for SBAs using empirical evidence provided by industrial partners.
  • To establish cooperation and trust relationships with European industry by creating strong and evolving links with the ETP NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative).
  • To foster and ensure the acceptance of SBAs by European industry and SMEs, especially in the fields with a limited penetration of service architectures that require specific extensions of service based software development methods.


This work package (WP-IA-2.2) is coordinated by Politecnico di Milano.


A list of deliverables of this workpackage can be found here.

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