Method for simulation of provision of service orchestrations and resource management policies
Contact persons
Manuel Carro <> Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid (UPM)
Schahram Dustdar <> Technische
Universität Wien (TUW)
The goal is to allow service providers to experimentally predict future behavior and expected QoS properties of hosted service orchestrations under different input regime assumptions and in combination with different provision resource scaling/elasticity policies. Dynamic models are derived from service orchestrations, and coupled with provision resource scaling/elasticity models within a dashboard-style simulation environment.
Technical Information
We use standard dynamic system simulation tools such as Vensim, and the Place-Transition (or Petri) networks for representing service orchestrations.
(will be available soon)
Ivanović, D., Treiber, M., Carro, M., & Dustdar, S. (2010). Building Dynamic Models of Service Compositions With Simulation of Provision Resources. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2010), Vancouver, Canada, 1-5 November 2010. Springer.
Service Composition, End-to-End Quality Assurance
Maturity Level
Prototype (single scenario)
Relationship with Future Internet and Internet of Services
This simulation-based approach can help service providers in planning the computation resources for service provisioning, different load-balancing and scaling policies, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) offered to service users, and in contingency planning under different scenarios, thus affecting the overall reliability and flexibility of complex service-based Internet applications.
Relationship with Cloud
Currently working on modeling elasticity of service provision resources that use cloud infrastructures