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Federated SLA aware cloud infrastructures

by Pierluigi Plebani last modified Jan 11, 2012 10:18


Contact person

Attila Kertesz,, MTA SZTAKI

Ivona Brandic,, TUW



A Federated Cloud Management architecture acts as an entry point to cloud federations and incorporates the concepts of metabrokering, cloud brokering and on-demand service deployment. The meta-brokering component provides transparent service execution for the users by allowing the system to interconnect the various cloud broker solutions. Cloud brokers manage the number and the location of the utilized virtual machines for the received service requests. The automatic service deployment component is capable of optimizing service delivery by encapsulating services as virtual appliances in order to allow their decomposition and replication among the various IaaS cloud infrastructures. The architecture is aimed at supporting highly dynamic service executions by federating heterogeneous cloud infrastructures in a transparent and autonomous manner.

The work unifies five main aspects and puts them into a single architecture:

  • SLA Management: SLA Meta Negotiation,Supporting different SLA concepts, SLA violation propagation
  • Meta Brokering: Unified entry point for multiple IaaS systems, Past Performance (metrics) and cost based scheduling
  • Cloud brokering: VM lifecycle management, Virtual appliance based queuing
  • VM management: Automated virtual appliance distribution and optimization, Virtual machine handling on the different IaaS systems
  • Generic Monitoring Registry: Benchmarking different cloud providers.


Technical Information

Platform/standard independent




  • A. Kertesz, G. Kecskemeti, I. Brandic: Autonomic SLA-aware Service Virtualization for Distributed Systems, PDP2011 Cyprus
  • A. Cs. Marosi, G. Kecskemeti, A. Kertész, P. Kacsuk: FCM: an Architecture for Integrating IaaS Cloud Systems, CloudComputing 2011, Rome


SLA management, IaaS, cloud federation, virtual appliance


Maturity Level


Relationship with Future Internet and Internet of Services

This work is in alignment with the long term research challenges written in Keith Jeery, Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz (eds.): THE FUTURE OF CLOUD COMPUTING, OPPORTUNITIES FOR EUROPEAN CLOUD COMPUTING BEYOND 2010 in the following aspects

  • global cloud ecosystems (e.g. interoperability)
  • holistic management and control
    (e.g. integrate all tiers, address cross-boundary scalability/elasticity/multi-tenancy)
  • service and application mediation (e.g. customizable products, improved accessibility,
    composition of higher-value products);

Relationship with Cloud


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